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Why you need to take your vacations and stop building them up for a faraway dreamy holiday?

Writer's picture: Sakura Thinking Sakura Thinking

Are you trying to shake off groundhog day? Maybe it is time to take a few days off the normal work-routine? Sometimes the most productive action is to step back.

The current times has started a new trend of building up your vacation days to use them for something more worthwhile like a holiday abroad. Let's be realistic and honest with ourselves, this might not happen for a long time again. We have adapted to working from home, socialising at home, so it is time to adapt to a vacation at home. Is it possible? Well, it is like this let's look at the benefits to taking a vacation from the normal work routine, and then be creative with what we got.

Did you end up carrying the days over to 2021 and are they still piling up? Did you think 2021 was going be off in sunny paradise?

So you set yourself up for disappointment. I am not saying that there is no hope to ever holiday abroad again, but we need to be realistic and adapt. We might get to holiday in our own country sooner than abroad so setting expectations around that might be more realistic. I am sure that you have received many reminder emails from HR encouraging you to take your vacations. They are not against you, trying to trick you into it, they are actually thinking of your well being and personal life and really want you to enjoy some time out.

The reasons you need to take a vacation, even if you are too busy or have nothing worthwhile to do is...

  • You reduce your stress and avoid burn out

  • You do your health a lot of good

  • You improve your productivity

  • You become more creative afterwards

  • You become happier

  • You are open to new perspectives

  • You offer yourself some family or self time

Let's create a wonderful guilt-free vacation at home (Grab a pen and notebook)

Imagine if you could feel happier and more fulfilled again during the current times. Everyone to their own really, some will want a week off to relax and spend time with family, others might like time to do things they don't usually have time to do when working like exercise, gardening, decluttering, house maintenance or self-care. I bet you wish you had more time to play with your kids/family, or cook something more extravagant or create a new self-care routine, even read a nice novel and relax for the day. Do take some time out to reset, mentally recharge and renew yourself.

Plan out on your notebook all the things you will do to make it as relaxing and enjoyable as you can.

Here are some questions to help you create a plan for vacationing at home..

Are you all going take vacations together?

What does a good week or two off at home look like?

What do you need to make it enjoyable?

How will you make it fun?

What groceries do you need? Do you want to cook something extravagant? Or do you want a take away night? Do you need the bikes need to be fixed in advance? Does the house need to be cleaned in advance?

Is there going be a movie night/date night? Karaoke night? Pamper night?

Maybe you just need a week to work on yourself, do a course, self-educate, create a vision, set new goals, just get a reset?

What activities will you do?

What will make this feel like it was a worthwhile week for you?

I hope that this has encouraged you to take a break from the normal work routine even if you are super busy and under pressure, that is the sign when you need it the most.

Watch out for my upcoming free masterclass "How to win at working from home". Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.

If you would like to meet with me for a coffee and chat or a clarity call, book it here or email me at I am also available to connect on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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